Heinrich-Schliemann Secondary School, Berlin
How can we possibly live sustainable and still enjoy life to the fullest? How many luxury we have to left behind? With these questions class 10/1 of the Heinrich-Schliemann secondary school was engaged. Twelfe pupils try to life as sustainable as possible for one week.
Before the self-experiment could started, the pupils needed to gather more informations. So they diveded in groups. Each group worked about a different topic, for example avoidance of plastic waste, food, energy. Each team presented the results and make up rules for the experiment. Than the usual life was documented, so it could be compared with a sustainable life. water meters were read, clothings were sorted by ethical criteria, waste production was measured, nutrition was optimized by ecological criteria. the most difficult for all participants had been living for one week with well liked things as television, facebook, mobiles, makeup and paper tissues. the self-experiment received the wonderful name “you can see you are really live sustainable when your light gets out.”
Here is the documantation of the project