Czech Republic – Gymnasium and Business Academy Chodov

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In Czech Republic there is usually no problem with access to drinking water. With the exception of rare occasions of heavy droughts, floods or contamination, water resources are of good quality and accessible to everyone. It is dedicated by law, that surface water can be used by everyone for one owns need. Although the law about water is supposed to secure the quality of water resources, not all the wells are usable for drinking. Therefore it is very important and appreciated, that some wells are renewed and maintained by voluntary activity of citizens to be used freely as a public good. Students and teachers of Gymnasium and Business Academy Chodov (Czech Republic; nearby Carlsbad) cultivated an abandoned mineral wellspring, named Anita. With their work they provide an example of such a recultivation.

Read more: Recultivation of Anita Wellspring

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before the recultivation started
before the recultivation started
before the recultivation started II
before the recultivation started II
Result of recultivation
Result of recultivation