Geschwister Scholl Secondary School, Freiberg, Saxony
brief information: students-company “Namaste Nepal S-GmbH” / 27 Pupils … age 15 to 18 /Geschwister Scholl Secondary School in Freiberg, Saxony
The students-company mobilise financial resources for projects in the partner-village Gati. We don’t want to look away when others live in poor conditions and we want to engage in Nepal. It is important for us, to show others and to make aware that it is possible to change something at the existing situation. “It is pleasure to help.” We looked over the edge of the plate an know what we are saying.
Our Engagement is in the context of the Millennium goals set by the UN.
- An elementary education should be possible for all children (MGD 2)
Equality of men and women should be promoted and womens rights shall be strengthened. (MDG 3) In Gati a womens-group was founded and is now our active partner in our project. - The Health Situation should be improved. (MDG 5) In Gati a nurse is visiting once a week and we established a small medicine-store.
- Environment protection shall be improved. (MDG 7) Over 5.000 trees have been planted.
It is easy to build a school, a kindergarten, a sports ground if we do it together. The inhabitants of gati are involved in all projects with manpower or with money. Help for self-help is our basis. The greenhouses are working so for the first time a surplus was produced and could be sold. A new option ist coffee – not “fairtrade”, but fair produced.
“It is pleasure to help.”
The students-company will show, that even pupils can achieve a lot. We now have the know how and there are over 3.000 secondary schools in Germany … what a huge potential for youth-power.
Plans for the future:
Main themes are a concept for further development in gati and the initiation of projects wich can generate an income for the people in gati.