Here we collect teaching material that originated from projects. You are free to use it. and you might share your own.

For our current environmental education project “FOOD DIARIES” we want your food diary! Document what and how you eat and drink for a week. Take pictures, help us create a global picture and find out which diet only needs one planet. We evaluate your contributions anonymously and compile a collage of food diaries. When we are done, you can admire the result here or download it as a brochure.

How does it work?

All further information can be found in the diary template. No time or you forgot a day? Not a problem! Try to remember and write down as much as you can think of. In the template you will also find a short questionnaire that helps us with the evaluation.

>> Worksheet “Food diary”

Fillable pdf to document what you buy, eat and throw away for a whole week including questions about you, your diet and your shopping habits. Keep it for a week and share it with us.

>> Worksheet “About me”

You are starting your very own food diary to share with us? Please answer the questions about you, your diet and your shopping habits as well so that we get to know you a little better.

Need help with your food diary? Here are some further instructions on how to fill in a food diary or contact us.



Worksheets from previous projects:

Worksheet “My Daily Life”

Worksheet with questions about everyday life. How sustainable is your lifestyle? What you think about the future?


Arbeitsblätter “Mein Alltag” (in german language)

Arbeitsblätter zum ausfüllen und als Anregung zum internationalen Austausch


Exhibition Global Classroom (in german language)

Transportable Ausstellung für Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 12 bis 17.  Sie bietet Hintergrundinformationen zum Themenbereich nachhaltiger Konsum verbunden mit Praxisbeispielen. Themen: Gärten, Ernährung, Kleidung, Abfall, Klima.


Quiz und Umfrage zum Umweltfestival 2015 (in german language)

Eine Umfrage zu den Themen des Global Classroom