Berlin – Global Ideas
The basic idea on how the future should look is the same for children around the world. No violence and further environmental pollution. Trees instead of weapons and water for everyone. Two children (one from Egypt and one from Germany) … Continued
Exhibition – Stadt Land Hunger?
In 2017 and 2018 our environmental education programme asked: “Can we feed the world?” For many of us food is an everyday thing. We rarely think about where our food comes from, how it’s produced and who makes a profit. … Continued
Germany – Creative competition
The German winners of the contest are Greta & Prisca. They won over the jury with their colorful and creative artwork about the agriculture of tomorrow. Their vision? Potatoes grow on the moon and Humans live below ground while the … Continued
Cuba – Creative competition
Cuba The Cuban future is looking renewable from the eyes of the children. Most of them combine solar energy and robots with the classical agriculture elements like farming. They create a bridge between the old and the new. The international … Continued
Berlin (& Bratislava) – Competition
Students from Berlin and Bratislava competed for the best ideas on how to re- or upcycle old jeans, washing machines …. Many great concepts were developed, whisks become coat hooks, washing machines or ovens are the new drawers and baskets … Continued
Costa Rica – Biolley School Garden
In the southern area in Costa Rica, in Biolley of Buenos Aires district, is located the Tropical Rain Forest close to the biggest National Park of Costa Rica, International Park la Amistad. There is a small school, the School of … Continued
Denmark – Mobile School Gardens
School gardens are gaining significantly in popularity in the education in the Danish public schools. Teaching the students to grow their own wholesome ingredients and later cooking by using their own produce has broad appeal and helps to develop children’s … Continued
Berlin (& Bratislava) – PEPPERCORN
A great way to learn about sustainable consumption and lifestyles is from peers. PEPPERCORN is a joint project between Berlin and Bratislava. It offers a platform for students to exchange their knowledge and experience in student magazines. Currently, students in … Continued